New Delhi: A 27-year-old man from Madhya Pradesh took his own life and left a video in which he levelled allegations of harassment against his wife and in-laws. The man reportedly died by suicide by hanging himself from the ceiling fan in his home in Biaora town, Raigarh district on Sunday.
Before taking the extreme step, the man recorded a video on his phone. In the video, he claimed that his wife would visit her parents’ house every two weeks and that, upon returning, she would get involved in frequent arguments with his parents. He further accused his in-laws of subjecting him to mental torture.
Biaora city police station in-charge Virendra Dhakad was quoted as saying by PTI that further legal steps will be taken after a thorough probe. In the video, the man said that even though he made a lot of efforts to make his wife return, she was insistent on staying alone.
A similar case in Gujarat
On January 4, the Gujarat police filed a case against a woman after her 39-year-old husband left behind a video in which he blamed her for his death. On December 30 last year, the police discovered the man hanging from the ceiling of his house in Zamrala village. In the video, he said that he had urged the authorities to “teach his wife a lesson for causing his death”. The father of the deceased man filed a complaint, alleging that his daughter-in-law had mentally harassed his son by frequently arguing with him and leaving to stay at her parents’ home.
The FIR said the man had made several attempts to convince his wife to return home and when his efforts went in vain, he recorded the video note and killed himself. A case has been registered under BNS section 108 (abetment of suicide). Police are probing the matter further.