New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday said he ‘made a mistake twice’ by joining hands with Lalu Prasad’s Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and vowed to remain loyal to the BJP led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). Nitish Kumar’s reaction came following Lalu Prsad’s offer to join Opposition’s Mahagathbandan, reported News18.
Two days back, RJD supremo Lalu Yadav had feelers to Nitish Kumar to join the Opposition’s alliance in view of the Bihar Assembly elections in 2025.
Nitish Kumar recalls past
Nitish Kumar cited people’s mandate in the past elections and said he has continuously worked for the people of Bihar. Bihar CM recalled the law and order situation in the state before 2005 and said the condition then was so bad that people did not dare to go out of their houses in the evening.
The Bihar CM added that the condition of the state changed after people gave him chance to work for the betterment of the state. “We went here and there by mistake twice. We will stay in the NDA and develop Bihar along with the country,” the report said quoting Nitish Kumar.
‘Doors open for Nitish Kumar’
Days earlier, RJD chief Lalu Prasad hinted that the ‘doors are open’ for Nitish Kumar to rejoin Mahagathbandhan.
“The door for Nitish Kumar is always open. He should also keep his door open. There would be no issue in working with Nitish Kumar again if he decides to join the alliance,” Lalu Prasad on Wednesday.
Tejashwi Yadav not on same page
Meanwhile, former Bihar deputy CM and Lalu Prasad’s son Tejashwi Yadav has disagreed with his father. He dismissed Lalu Prasad’s offer to Nitish as an attempt to address curiosity of the media. Earlier, Tejashwi ad reiterated his stance saying, “Our door is closed for Nitish Kumar forever. We do not need him.”