Sthree Sakthi SS-438 Kerala Lottery result Today LIVE: The Kerala Lottery Department announced the results of the Sthree Sakthi SS-438 draw at 3 PM. The lottery drawing takes place daily at Gorky Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The lottery is conducted every day of the week, with Saturday’s draw specifically named Sthree Sakthi.
The serial number for this lottery changes weekly. Importantly, the first prize for this lottery is Rs 75 lakh. The draw is facilitated by a lotto machine, and a panel of judges oversees the results to ensure fairness and transparency.
Full list of winning numbers and names for Kerala Lottery Sthree Sakthi SS-438
Winning number for First prize worth Rs 75 lakh is:
Winning number for Second prize worth Rs 10 lakh is:
Winning numbers for Third prize worth Rs 5,000 are:
Winning numbers for Fourth prize worth Rs 2,000 are:
Winning numbers for the Fifth prize worth Rs 1,000 are:
Winning numbers for Sixth prize worth Rs 500 are:
Winning numbers for Seventh prize worth Rs 200 are:
Winning numbers for Eight prize worth Rs 100 are:
Winning numbers for Rs 8,000 consolation prize:
How to Claim the Sthree Sakthi SS-438 Lottery Prize Money
1. Verify Results: Participants must check the results on the official Kerala Lottery Department website or visit
2. Visit the Lottery Office: Winners who have claimed a prize of over ₹1 lakh must visit the Kerala Lottery office in Thiruvananthapuram within 30 days of the draw to collect their prize money.
3. Prepare Required Documents: The winner must have all necessary documents, including proof of identity and the winning lottery ticket, to claim the prize money.