Kerala Karunya Plus KN-543 Lottery result Today LIVE: The lucky draw for KN-543 lottery is being declared at 3 pm at Gorky Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram. The results are being announced by the Kerala lottery department. The results are announced under the supervision of a panel of retired judges.
The Kerala lottery department conducts the lotteries all 7 days of the week with different serial numbers. People can buy the tickets only offline through retailers. These tickets are not sold online. The first prize of Kerala Karunya Plus KN-543 carries a reward of Rs 80 lakh. Watch out for all the lucky draw winners here at 3 PM.
Full list of winning numbers and names for Karunya Plus KN-543
Winning number for 1st prize worth Rs 80 lakh is:
Winning number for 2nd prize worth Rs 10 lakh is:
Winning numbers for 3rd prize worth Rs 1 lakh are:
Winning numbers for 4th prize worth Rs 5,000 are:
Winning numbers for 5th prize worth Rs 1,000 are:
Winning numbers for 6th prize worth Rs 500 are:
Winning numbers for 7th prize worth Rs 100 are:
Winning numbers for Consolation Prize Rs.8000 are:
Prize structure for Karunya Plus KN 543
1st Prize: Rs 80 Lakh
2nd Prize: Rs. 10 Lakh
3rd Prize: Rs. 1 Lakh
4th Prize: Rs. 5,000
5th Prize: Rs. 1,000
6th Prize: Rs. 500
7th Prize: Rs. 100
Consolation Prize: Rs. 8,000
Steps to claim Kerala Lottery Prize
If you have won the Kerala lottery, the winner is required to produce certain documents to claim the cash prize with in 30 days of the draw. Rs 1 lakh prize money can be claimed from the concerned District Lottery Office and the prize is subjected to 30 per cent lottery tax and a 10 percent commission for the agent lottery. However, in case of the prize of over Rs 1 lakh, the winner is required to submit valid identity proof documents to the Kerala Lotteries Board.