Kerala Akshaya AK-673 Lottery result Today LIVE: The draw of lot for Kerala lottery Akshaya AK-673 is being announced on Sunday (October 10 ) at 3 pm. The lottery result are conducted by Kerala Lottery Department office at Gorky Bhavan in Thiruvananthapuram.
Sunday’s lottery has several exciting prizes with the first prize carrying a cash amount of Rs 70 lakh. The second and third prize winners will get Rs 5 lakh and Rs 1 lakh respectively. You can check the Live Updates of the Kerala Lottery and full list of winners here at 3 pm. A panel of judges oversees the entire lottery draw process to ensure fairness and transparency.
List of winning numbers and names for Kerala Lottery Akshaya AK-673
Winning number for First prize worth Rs 70 lakh is: AE 909787
Winning number for Second prize worth Rs 5 lakh is: AL 985055
Winning numbers for Third prize worth Rs 1 lakh are: To be announced soon
Winning numbers for Fourth prize worth Rs 5,000 are: To be announced soon
Winning numbers for Fifth prize worth Rs 1,000 are: To be announced soon
Winning numbers for Seventh prize worth Rs 100 are: To be announced soon
Winning numbers for consolation prize Rs 8,000 are : To be announced soon
Steps to claim prize money of Akshaya AK-673 lottery
1.First of all, a lottery participant needs to verify the results from the official website of Kerala lottery department.
2.A winner is required to visit Kerala Lottery office based in Thiruvananthapuram to collect prize money within 30 days of the lucky draw.
3. The winner is also required to possess all relevant documents and the lottery ticket to claim the prize money.
Prize structure of Kerala Lottery Akshaya AK-673
First Prize: Rs 70 Lakh
Second Prize: Rs 10 Lakh
Third Prize: Rs 1 Lakh
Fourth Prize: Rs 5,000
Fifth Prize: Rs 1,000
Sixth Prize: Rs 500
Seventh Prize: Rs 100
Consolation Prize: Rs 8,000