New Delhi: Ongoing war of words between BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) intensified with the opposition party accusing former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal of being anti-Hindu. BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia alleged that Kejriwal has come up with a new political stunt by annoucing monthly honoraium to Priests and Granthis even as the party has failed to provide money to Imams of mosques in the city and their salaries are pending for 17 months.
Bhatia said Kejriwal has been doing politics of appeasement, first by announcing salary for Imams, and now to the priests and Granthis.
“Arvind Kejriwal has an anti-Hindu mindset. Kejriwal and his party has failed to pay the promised salaries to the Imams of the mosques in Delhi. As their initial stunts have now failed, so the party has come out with new promises like Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana where they are planning to pay salaries to priests and Granthis,” said Bhatia.
Kejriwal, AAP using children for the ads: BJP
BJP also urged the Election Commission of India to take action against Kejriwal and Delhi CM Atishi allegedly for showing children in one of their election posts on social media platform X.
“Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi Marlena have pushed our innocent children into politics by uploading their videos. This is a violation of the Juvenile Justice Act 2015 and secondly, the guidelines of the Election Commission of India state that there should be no statements of children, there should be no presence of them,” added Bhatia.
Bhatia also urged X to remove AAP’s social media post showing children in on of their posts.
AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh hit back at BJP and said that the saffron party has a habit of getting into fight over every good scheme launched by the Delhi government. Singh said, instead of fighting, BJP should follow them and launch such schemes in all the states ruled by them.
“Why has BJP come out in the ground against Pujaris and Granthis. This shows that they are the ‘Bhartiya Jhagra Party’. Arvind Kejriwal has announced a scheme, why can’t they provide the same in the 22 BJP-ruled states?,” said Singh.
What is Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana?
AAP on Monday announced to launch a monthly honorarium of Rs 18,000 for Hindu temple priests and Gurudwara Granthis in the city after his party returns to power in Delhi. Party chief Arvind Kejriwal launched the registration process for the schemes from Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place. CM Atishi also kickstarted the process from a Gurdwara in Karol Bagh area of the city.