New Delhi: Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh announced on Sunday that the party will launch the ‘Jai Bapu, Jai Bhim, Jai Samvidhaan’ campaign to demand Union home minister Amit Shah’s resignation over his alleged remarks against Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. The campaign, initially scheduled to begin after the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting on December 26 in Belagavi, has been postponed to honour a seven-day mourning period for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who passed away on Thursday.
In an interview with news agency ANI, Ramesh said, “The campaign will resume on 3rd January after the mourning period.” Rallies and protests would take place under the campaign and a major rally will take place on January 26 at Dr Ambedkar’s birthplace. Moreover, the Congress will launch a year-long ‘Samvidhaan Bachao Rashtriya Padyatra’ from January 25, 2025, to January 25, 2026, to raise awareness about their demand.
Amit Shah’s remarks in the Rajya Sabha, which the BJP claims to be doctored, sparked outrage among the Opposition, which accused him of disrespecting Dr Ambedkar. Congress leaders insist that Shah must apologise and step down from his post. The BJP has, however, dismissed the allegations and instead has accused the Congress of misleading the public for political gains.
Jairam Ramesh praises Dr Manmohan Singh’s legacy
During the interview, Ramesh also talked about Dr Manmohan Singh. “Those in power today, who are now praising Dr Manmohan Singh, should reflect on his humility, peace, and ability,” Ramesh said.
He also highlighted Singh’s leadership, including his four-minute speech on demonetisation, which left the “government shaken”. “He rarely spoke while in the Opposition, but when he did, everyone listened. Like Lal Bahadur Shastri, he was a man without enemies,” he added.
Ramesh also criticised the BJP for undermining Singh’s contributions during his tenure. “The BJP has criticised him even as they remember him today. His work as finance minister and Prime Minister strengthened India’s international standing. He gave us all hope for a better future.”