New Delhi: In a tragic road accident, 26-year-old Harsh Bardhan, a probationary IPS officer from the 2023 batch, died while on his way to take charge of his first posting in Karnataka’s Hassan district. The accident occurred when the tyre of the police vehicle he was travelling in allegedly burst, causing the driver to lose control. The vehicle then crashed into a house and a roadside tree. Despite efforts to save him, Bardhan succumbed to severe head injuries at the hospital.
Bardhan, a native of Madhya Pradesh, had recently completed his four-week training at the Karnataka Police Academy in Mysuru. He was travelling to Hassan City to report for duty as the assistant superintendent of police (ASP) in Holenarasipur. The vehicle, a police jeep, was driven by district armed reserve constable Manjegowda, who suffered only minor injuries. Bardhan was rushed to Janapriya Hospital in Hassan, but due to the severity of his injuries, he could not be saved despite attempts to transfer him to a hospital in Bengaluru.
Part of Karnataka cadre of the IPS since his induction
The accident took place around 4.20pm near Kittane, approximately 10 kilometres from Hassan. Harsh Bardhan, a civil engineering graduate, was the son of an SDM in Madhya Pradesh. He had been part of the Karnataka cadre of the IPS since his induction. Before his tragic death, Bardhan had completed six months of district practical training in Hassan, where he was about to begin his practical training as ASP.
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah expressed his heartfelt condolences to Bardhan’s family. In a post on social media platform X, he wrote, “This should not have happened when years of hard work was paying off.” He further prayed for Bardhan’s soul to rest in peace and conveyed his deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.
Widely regarded as a promising talent
Former Karnataka Chief Minister Sadananda Gowda also mourned the young officer’s untimely death, describing it as a “tragic loss”. He added, “India has lost a dedicated young officer in the making.”
Harsh Bardhan’s death has sent shockwaves through the IPS community, as the young officer was widely regarded as a promising talent. Having recently completed his training, he was about to embark on a long and distinguished career in the police service.