Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah reviewed the preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Sonamarg and the inauguration of the Z-Morh tunnel. Following this, he posted on X that after the tunnel’s inauguration, Sonamarg will be open for tourism throughout the year and will be developed into a world-class ski resort. Additionally, local people will be able to avoid migrating in winter, and a lot of time will be saved in the journey from Srinagar to Kargil/Leh.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to Omar Abdullah’s post and expressed his excitement. PM Modi wrote, “I am eagerly waiting for my visit to Sonamarg and the inauguration of the tunnel. This tunnel will be beneficial for tourism and the local economy.” He also praised the aerial photographs and videos shared by Omar Abdullah.
I am eagerly awaiting my visit to Sonmarg, Jammu and Kashmir for the tunnel inauguration. You rightly point out the benefits for tourism and the local economy.
Also, loved the aerial pictures and videos! https://t.co/JCBT8Ei175
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 11, 2025
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