New Delhi: Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Tuesday apologised to the people of the northeastern state for the unfortunate developments caused due to the ethnic violence that has rocked Manipur since May last year. However, he added that the year draws close on an optimistic note and that he hoped normalcy would return to the state in 2025.
“This entire year has been very unfortunate. I feel regret and I want to say sorry to the people of the state for what is happening till today, since last May 3. Many people lost their loved ones. Many people left their homes. I really feel regret. I would like to apologise,” Singh was quoted as saying by ANI.
He added: “Now, I hope after seeing the last 3-4 months’ progress towards peace, I hope that with the New Year 2025, normalcy and peace will be restored in the state. I want to appeal to all the communities of the state that whatever happened has happened. We now have to forget past mistakes and have to start a new life. A peaceful Manipur, a prosperous Manipur, we should all live together.”
Over 180 lives lost in clashes since May last year
The violence in Manipur has claimed over 180 lives since May last year, when clashes erupted over the Meitei community’s demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status and the opposition to this by the tribal Kukis. The Meiteis comprise about 53 per cent of Manipur’s population and mostly live in Imphal Valley. The tribals, including Nagas and Kukis, account for 40 per cent of the population and live mainly in the hills.
In June this year, ethnic violence, which were previously confined to Imphal Valley and surrounding districts, spread to the relatively peaceful Jiribam district. The renewed ethnic violence was sparked when a man was found dead in Jiribam. After this incident, arson, gunfights and torching of houses between the two communities took place. It left more than 1,000 people internally displaced.