Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Police has summoned actor Allu Arjun for questioning in the theatre stampede case tomorrow. The actor is currently out on bail after spending a night in jail. In the incident that took place on December 2, a woman was killed and her son was critically injured in the stampede during the screening of ‘Pushpa 2’ in the city.
After the incident, the theatre management, Allu Arjun and his team were charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. As per the police, the actor will have to appear before it at 11 am. His legal team was at his residence this evening to discuss the development.
The actor got bail on December 13
Earlier on December 13, the actor was sent to 14-day judicial custody after arrest. On the same day, the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail for four weeks. Notably, the latest notice came amid reports that the police are likely to approach the high court and urge it to cancel his interim bail.
High court grants bail to six vandals
Meanwhile, the High Court on Monday granted bail to six accused, who were taken in custody for allegedly vandalising the actor’s residents, even as the police tightened up security at Allu Arjun’s house
The incident led to a major war of words, with the BJP joining hands with the BRS and slamming the Congress government in the state. The party alleged that some of the miscreants belonged to the Kodangal assembly constituency of CMA Revanth Reddy.
The six vandals, claiming to be members of Osmania University – Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC) were nabbed after they allegedly damaged flower pots of the actor’s residence and threw tomatoes on Sunday evening.