Hyderabad: In response to a letter which revealed that the police already knew that the star cast of Pushpa 2 was invited to Sandhya 70 MM theatre for the screening of the movie, deputy commissioner of police, Central Zone, Hyderabad, clarified that while the theatre requested bandobast, the necessary details were not provided to the police in advance.
He clarified that the letter was only submitted to the inward section of the police station without a meeting with any officers, preventing the police from making detailed arrangements based on specific needs.
Police clarifies response to Sandhya theatre’s bandobast request
The police had arranged a suitable bandobast for crowd management outside the theatre, despite not receiving full details of the event. However, the situation escalated when actor Allu Arjun arrived at the venue.
Allu Arjun waved to the crowd from the sunroof of his vehicle, which attracted a large number of people to the theatre’s main gate. At the same time, his private security started pushing the crowd to clear the way for his vehicle.
Despite police advising his team to take him back, the actor remained inside the theatre for more than two hours, contributing to the chaotic situation. This led to a stampede, resulting in the death of a woman and leaving her son critically injured.
Allu Arjun to remain in jail tonight
The police also addressed allegations of misconduct during Allu Arjun’s arrest. They said that when the police arrived at his residence, he requested some time to change clothes and the police waited outside. No force was used, and the actor voluntarily came out to enter the police vehicle after spending time with his family.
Earlier, Sandhya Theatre had submitted a letter requesting police assistance due to the heavy crowd expected for the Pushpa 2 screenings on December 4 and 5. Despite the request, the stampede incident occurred, with the police pointing to the actor’s actions as a major factor in the chaos.
Telangana High Court granted interim bail to Allu Arjun on Friday for four weeks after he furnished a personal bond of Rs 50,000. The next hearing is scheduled for January 21. Allu Arjun will spend a whole night in Hyderabad Central Jail.