New Delhi: Haryana Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Mohanlal Badoli and a singer were reportedly booked by the Himachal Pradesh Police following allegations by a woman who accused them of gang-raping her at a hotel in Kasauli.
As per the complainant, the two men filmed the assault and threatened to kill her if she disclosed the incident to anyone, PTI reported. According to the FIR filed on December 13 last year, the victim alleged that she along with two of her friends had gone on a trip to Himachal Pradesh.
The FIR said the woman was staying in a hotel in Kasauli with her Delhi-based employer and friend when they happened to meet the two accused on July 3, 2023. They identified themselves as Rocky Mittal alias Jai Bhagwan and Mohanlal Badoli, a political leader. As per the FIR, the woman stated that Jai Bhagwan promised her to feature her in his album, while Badoli claimed he could secure her a government job through his links.
Badoli reportedly rubbished the rape allegation against him, while dubbing it as a “political conspiracy”. He said that he has no clue what it is all about.
They recorded videos of sexual assault: FIR
The woman alleged that both forced her to drink alcohol, and raped her in a room. They also took pictures and recorded videos of the sexual assault and intimated that they would kill the woman if she revealed the incident to anyone, the FIR pointed out.
The complainant also claimed that two months ago, she was invited to Rocky’s house in Panchkula, where the accused threatened to frame her in a false case, according to the police. Following the woman’s complaint, the police said a case has been filed against Badoli and Rocky under sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).