New Delhi: Stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra recently posted a photo on Instagram with former JNU student Umar Khalid, who is currently out on interim bail in a case related to the 2020 Delhi riots. Kamra captioned the post, “Heart knows no concept of time.”
Bollywood actor Richa Chadha responded to Kamra’s post with a heart emoji. This comes after a Delhi court granted interim bail to Khalid on December 18, allowing him to attend a family wedding from December 28, 2024, to January 3, 2025.
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Court sets bail conditions
As per the court’s conditions, Khalid is not allowed to contact witnesses or people linked to the case and is barred from using social media. During the period, he is allowed to interact only with his family, friends and relatives. He is required to surrender to the jail authorities at the conclusion of his bail on January 3, 2025.
Charges against Umar Khalid
Khalid, who was arrested on September 14, 2020, faces charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) for his alleged role in a conspiracy behind the February 2020 riots in North-East Delhi. The riots resulted in 53 deaths and left over 700 people injured. In October 2022, the Delhi High Court rejected his bail plea.
The case also involves other accused, including Khalid Saifi, Natasha Narwal, Faizan Khan, Sharjeel Imam, Safoora Zargar, Athar Khan, Mohd. Saleem Khan, Saleem Malik, Tasleem Ahmed, Shadab Ahmed, Asif Iqbal Tanha, Shifa-Ur-Rehman, Gulfisha Fatima, Meeran Haider, Ishrat Jahan and Tahir Hussain.