Bhuj: In a tragic incident, a 18-year-old girl, who was rescued after she fell into a 540-foot-deep borewell, died during a treatment in hospital in Bhuj on district. The girl fell into a borewell at Kanderai village, after which rescue operation was started by the authorities.
She was brought after much efforts by the authorities. Sharing details about her death, AB Jadav, assistant collector and SDM, Bhuj, said, “Unfortunately, the girl could not survive and was declared dead by doctors at GK General Hospital in Bhuj.”
The girl was brought out with help of hook technique
As per officials, the girl was brought out with the help of “hook technique”. Under this technique, officials lowered the L and J-shaped hooks into the borewell. After this, the same was fitted on two sides. Once this was done, pressure was applied to pull up the girl. She was rescued with the help of a makeshift contraption. “We prepared a makeshift contraption with the help of local drillers. Multiple agencies were involved in the rescue operation,” he added as per news agency PTI.
Several rescue teams were part of rescue operations
It may be noted that several rescue teams including the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and Border Security Force (BSF), and fire department personnel were used in the rescue operation of the girl, apart from the local emergency response team. Local also played an important role in rescuing the girl.
“The victim was stuck at 490 feet. After multiple attempts to rescue, the victim was evacuated/retrieved from the borewell. The victim is unconscious and shifted to ambulance for further treatment,” the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) had said in an update earlier.