New Delhi: A groom in Uttar Pradesh’s Chandauli district cancelled his wedding on December 22, allegedly due to a delay in serving food. The sudden decision left the bride and her family in distress as the groom later married his cousin the same day.
The bride’s family reported the incident to the police. They said they had handed over Rs 1.5 lakh to the groom’s family just hours before the wedding. They sought justice for the financial and emotional turmoil caused by the cancellation, NDTV reported.
Bride seeks justice
The bride said that her marriage to Mehtab had been arranged seven months earlier. On the wedding day, his procession arrived at her home in Hamidpur village, where her family extended a warm welcome. “I was ready early in the morning,” she said. “The groom and his family arrived, ate and then began abusing and assaulting my parents before leaving without explanation. I later approached the police for justice.”
According to the bride, the issue began when there was a slight delay in serving food to Mehtab. Teased by his friends over the matter, he grew agitated. The escalated into an argument where the groom’s family allegedly abused the bride’s relatives. Despite attempts by village elders to mediate, Mehtab refused to proceed with the wedding and returned home. Hours later, he married one of his cousins.
Complaint filed
The next day, December 23, the bride’s family filed a complaint with the Industrial Nagar police post, later escalating it to Superintendent of Police (SP) Aditya Laghe due to alleged inaction. The bride’s mother said in her complaint that their family suffered a Rs 7 lakh loss, which included the cost of wedding arrangements for approximately 200 guests from the groom’s side.
She also reiterated that Rs 1.5 lakh had been given to the groom’s family just before the wedding. SP Aditya Laghe summoned both parties to address the issue, leading to an agreement. Circle Officer Rajesh Rai confirmed that a written settlement was signed, wherein the groom’s family agreed to return ₹1.61 lakh to the bride’s family.