New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath chaired a special Cabinet meeting in Prayagraj on Wednesday, where approval was granted for the long-anticipated extension of the Ganga Expressway. The expansion aims to link the Purvanchal Expressway and the Bundelkhand Expressway and form a seamless high-speed corridor connecting all districts of the state.
Initially planned as a six-lane highway, the Ganga Expressway is now being considered for an eight-lane upgrade. The proposed extension will cover Prayagraj, Mirzapur, Bhadohi, Varanasi, Chandauli and Ghazipur. Ghazipur is a crucial junction that will connect with the Purvanchal Expressway, providing a direct route from Western Uttar Pradesh and the National Capital Region (NCR) to Bihar. The project also plans to link Chitrakoot to Prayagraj via the Bundelkhand Expressway, boosting connectivity in the Vindhya-Kashi region.
Meerut to Prayagraj
The first phase of the Ganga Expressway stretches 594 kilometres from Meerut to Prayagraj, traversing 518 villages and passing through key districts such as Hapur, Bulandshahr, Amroha, Sambhal, Badaun, Shahjahanpur, Hardoi, Unnao, Raebareli, and Pratapgarh. Once operational, the travel time between Meerut and Prayagraj will be reduced to six hours.
The second phase will add 350 kilometres, connecting five more districts: Mirzapur, Bhadohi, Varanasi, Ghazipur, and Ballia. Upon completion, the Ganga Expressway will become India’s largest expressway, creating an unprecedented link between Eastern and Western Uttar Pradesh, officials said. Construction for the first phase is in its final stages, with work on interchanges and overbridges nearing completion.
Noida airport link
That apart, plans are underway for a new expressway to connect Noida Airport with the Ganga Expressway. Officials from the Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development Authority (UPEIDA) and the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) have held discussions regarding the alignment of this proposed expressway. The new link will not only enhance Noida Airport’s connectivity but also provide direct access to the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway and the Yamuna Expressway, officials added.