New Delhi: An FIR has been filed against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi in Guwahati, Assam, over his recent ‘Indian state’ comment. The case was lodged at Pan Bazar Police Station in Guwahati, the largest city in the BJP-governed state, according to ANI. Gandhi is being charged under sections 152 and 197(1)d of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which pertains to actions that threaten the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India.
Monjit Chetia, the complainant, accused the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha of exceeding the boundaries of lawful free speech. He said that Gandhi’s statement constituted a major risk to public order and national security.
‘Attempt to delegitimize authority;
“By declaring that his fight is against the ‘Indian state itself,’ the accused has consciously incited subversive activities and rebellion among the populace. This is an attempt to delegitimize the authority of the state and to portray it as a hostile force, thereby creating a dangerous narrative that could provoke unrest and separatist sentiments,” Chetia said in his complaint.
The complainant alleged that Gandhi’s remark stemmed from ‘frustration’ over repeated electoral failures.
‘Chosen to provoke rebellion’
“Having been unable to gain public trust through democratic means, the accused now seeks to incite disaffection against the central government and the Indian state. This is particularly alarming, given his position as the Leader of the Opposition, a role that comes with the responsibility to maintain public confidence in democratic institutions. Instead, the accused has chosen to exploit his platform to spread falsehoods and provoke rebellion, endangering the unity and sovereignty of India,” the complaint mentioned.