Hyderabad: A day after thrashing a TV9 journalist during the feud with his son at his house in Jalpally, Telugu actor Mohan Babu on Thursday was booked under an attempt to murder charge as the police added section 109 of the Bharatiya Nayay Sanhita (BNS) to the FIR which earlier had only section 118 (punishment for causing hurt or grievous hurt using dangerous weapons or harmful methods).
The development comes amid outrage among civil society and journalists over the brazen attack on their colleague Ranjith, a reporter working with TV9 Telugu, who suffered grievous injuries including a fractured skull. He is currently hospitalised.
The Rachakonda Police took a legal opinion and changed the section following concerns raised by journalist associations.
On Wednesday, the journalist alleged in his complaint that on December 10, while visiting Mohan Babu’s Jalpally residence to report on the ongoing “dispute” between the actor and his younger son Manoj, the senior actor aggressively confronted him and other journalists.
According to the complaint, Mohan Babu allegedly snatched the microphone, used “abusive and foul language,” and attacked the journalist with it, resulting in a head injury.
Mohan Babu family dispute
Chaos ensued at Mohan Babu’s residence on Tuesday night when his son Manoj, an actor, attempted to enter the house but was denied entry. Amid the commotion, a video journalist covering the incident was allegedly attacked.
Television footage captured Mohan Babu hitting the journalist with a microphone, sparking widespread condemnation. On Wednesday, media personnel staged protests, demanding an apology from Mohan Babu for the “attack.”
Meanwhile, the actor got himself admitted to a hospital after claiming health issues and injuries during the incident.
In a related development, Mohan Babu and his two sons, Vishnu and Manoj, were issued notices under Section 126 of the BNSS, requiring them to appear before the Rachakonda Commissioner of Police on December 11 over concerns of a “probable breach of peace.”
The family dispute became public on December 9 when Mohan Babu lodged a police complaint, accusing Manoj and his wife of attempting to seize his Jalpally residence through intimidation and force.
However, Manoj clarified on Wednesday that his fight was not about “property” but rather “self-respect and the safety of his wife and children.” He also revealed that he had already sought police protection for his family.