New Delhi: Spiritual preacher Jaya Kishori’s airport look left netizens shocked as she was spotted carrying a luxury handbag worth over Rs 2 lakh. Netizens took to social media to call her out. They labelled her a hypocrite and opined religion was becoming a booming business in the country.
The preacher who often speaks of a non-materialistic lifestyle was seen at an airport wearing a white dress and carrying a luxury Dior tote bag. The designer bag was also embellished with her name. Soon after the video appeared online, the clip went viral and it drew the attention of thousands. Netizens blatantly trolled her for choosing to walk around with a luxury commodity after preaching modest living to her followers. They mercilessly mocked her and asked her several hard-hitting questions.
Spiritual preacher Jaya Kishori spotted with luxury Dior bag
Spiritual preacher Jiya Kishori deleted her video where she was carrying a Dior bag worth ₹ 210000 only
btw she preach Non-Materialism & call herself as Devotee of Lord Krishna.
One more thing : Dior makes bag by using Calf Leather 🐄
— Veena Jain (@DrJain21) October 25, 2024
Sharing the now-deleted video on X, a user wrote, “She teaches you non-materialism. So that you guys can follow and she can extract materialism out of that.” Another netizen opined that the woman might be leading an “expensive godly life”. A third individual commented, “Most of these ‘holy’ men and women are anything but holy. They’re rolling in riches while their clueless followers soak up every holier-than-thou sermon like it’s pure gold.”
Many spoke of how religion was just a business to many and that the common man should stay alert. They cautioned the ordinary public from blindly submitting themselves to the teachings of fake gurus.
Meanwhile, a few gave her the benefit of the doubt and wondered if it was a fake luxury bag.