New Delhi: The Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday directed Delhi police to take action against Parvesh Verma, BJP candidate from the New Delhi constituency, after complaints by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The development came hours after an AAP delegation led by Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, her Punjab counterpart Bagwant Mann, AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal, MP Sanjay Singh and others met the Election Commissioner and demanded action against Verma.
BJP leader Parvesh Verma is contesting against former Delhi CM and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal from New Delhi seat in the assembly elections in the national capital. Arvind Kejriwal has been an MLA from New Delhi seat since 2013 and is the AAP candidate from this constituency for the fourth consecutive time. Congress has fielded Sandeep Dixit, son of three-time Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit, from here.
AAP filed complaint against Parvesh Verma
Earlier, Kejriwal had slammed Verma for allegedly distributing Rs 1,100 to women in New Delhi. AAP also filed a complaint against Verma with the Enforcement Directorate (ED), alleging that cash was being distributed in Arvind Kejriwal’s constituency ahead of the assembly elections. The party has demanded that the agency register a money laundering case against Verma.
On the other hand, Parvesh Verma said that this money was given to the women by Rashtriya Swabhiman, a social organisation founded by his father Sahib Singh Verma. He said that he will continue to help the needy women.
On Monday, Parvesh Verma carried out a contact campaign in the assembly constituency. In a Facebook post, he wrote that he met the RWA members of the bungalows located on the road behind Hanuman Mandir, Connaught Place, New Delhi. “Everyone wants change in Delhi this time. They have faith in BJP because we have a vision, a mission for the development of Delhi and we will make Delhi prosperous under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”