New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party chief and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal took a jibe at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s manifesto on Friday. Taking a dig at the party, Kejriwal said that the PM Modi must admit to the country that freebies are not bad for the country but are ‘Prasad by the God’.
Addressing the press conference after BJP chief JP Nadda released the party manifesto, Kejriwal whether the former took permission from the Prime Minister before announcing the freebies. He added the Prime Minister had on several occasions claimed that ‘freebies are bad for the country’.
‘PM Modi must explain in BJP’ freebies promises’
“Did the BJP take PM’s permission before announcing the freebies in their Manifesto? Because PM has said in his remarks several times in the past that free rewards are not right. So many ties, he had said that Kejriwal distributes freebies, which is not good for the country. Today BJP national president JP Nadda has announced that his party will give freebies. So I want to urge the PM to come forward and explained whether he has permitted the same.”
BJP अपने वादे भी आम आदमी पार्टी से कॉपी करती है। BJP के पास अपना कोई विज़न नहीं। @ArvindKejriwal Ji LIVE
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) January 17, 2025
He added, “ The BJP in its manifesto said that it will shut down all Mohalla Clinics in Delhi if it come s to power. I am very disappointed about this. We will go ask the people of Delhi whether they want Mohalla Clinics or not. Those who want to run Mohalla clinics must vote for AAP and those who don’t want Mohalla Clinics may vote for the BJP.”.
BJP promises free cylinders during Holi, Diwali
Earlier in the day, the BJP launched its manifesto for the upcoming Delhi polls. In its manifesto, the party announced free gas cylinders for people in Delhi during Holi and Diwali. He also announced a subsidy of Rs 500 for the poor on cylinders. Among its other promises, the party also announced monthly financial assistance of Rs 2,500 to women.