Mumbai: The auspicious festival of Dhanteras is set to be celebrated on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, marking the start of Diwali festivities across India. This year’s Dhanteras is extraordinarily significant, as it coincides with a rare alignment of seven auspicious yogas, including the Trigrahi Yoga, Tripushkar Yoga, Indra Yoga, Lakshmi Narayan Yoga, Shash Mahapurush Raj Yoga, Dhata Yoga, and Saumya Yoga. These rare yogas are occurring for the first time in a century, amplifying the day’s spiritual and material significance. Due to these auspicious configurations, purchases of metals like gold, silver, and copper, along with items for prosperity such as Lakshmi-Ganesh idols, are considered exceptionally favourable.
The alignment of planets also enhances the benefits of rituals and prayers performed on this day. According to Vedic astrology, the Lakshmi Narayan Yoga is formed as Venus and Mercury unite in Scorpio, bringing heightened blessings of wealth and well-being. This cosmic combination is considered immensely prosperous for those looking to enhance financial stability and success. To maximize these blessings, it’s ideal to perform the Dhanteras Puja during the specified Puja Muhurat, from 6:31 PM to 8:13 PM, lasting for 1 hour and 41 minutes. The Pradosh Kaal (5:38 PM – 8:13 PM) and Vrishabha Kaal (6:31 PM – 8:27 PM) further provide windows of auspiciousness for the rituals and purchases associated with Dhanteras.
Shubh Sanyog (Auspicious Combinations) on Dhanteras 2024
This year, Dhanteras 2024 is uniquely significant due to the formation of seven rare and powerful yogas. Each of these yogas brings specific blessings:
- Lakshmi Narayan Yoga: As Venus and Mercury join in Scorpio, this yoga brings wealth and prosperity to those engaged in trade, commerce, or seeking financial growth. Known to eliminate financial worries, it is considered an ideal period for purchases and investments.
- Dhata Yoga and Saumya Yoga: These yogas enhance general happiness, stability, and familial well-being. Dhata Yoga is believed to ensure continuity of wealth and success.
- Indra Yoga: Already in effect from October 28 at 6:47 AM until October 29 at 7:48 AM, this yoga is said to bring fame, fortune, and a rise in social status.
- Tripushkar Yoga: Occurring from 6:51 AM to 10:31 AM on October 29, this yoga holds the power to triple the blessings of actions taken, making purchases and rituals particularly fruitful.
Due to these celestial formations, Dhanteras this year holds extraordinary importance. Investing in items such as gold, silver, copper, and brass utensils as well as holy idols, clothes, and decorative items is believed to bring abundant wealth and prosperity into the household.
Dhanteras Puja Muhurat and Choghadiya Timings for Major Cities
For those wishing to perform Dhanteras Puja, the most auspicious timings in various cities are provided below:
- New Delhi: 6:31 PM – 8:13 PM
- Mumbai: 7:04 PM – 8:37 PM
- Pune: 7:01 PM – 8:33 PM
- Noida: 6:31 PM – 8:12 PM
- Gurugram: 6:32 PM – 8:14 PM
- Chandigarh: 6:29 PM – 8:13 PM
- Kolkata: 5:57 PM – 7:33 PM
- Chennai: 6:44 PM – 8:11 PM
- Jaipur: 6:40 PM – 8:20 PM
- Hyderabad: 6:45 PM – 8:15 PM
- Bengaluru: 6:55 PM – 8:22 PM
- Ahmedabad: 6:59 PM – 8:35 PM
Each city’s timing aligns with the Pradosh Kaal and Vrishabha Kaal, ideal for worshipping Lord Dhanvantari, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Kuber.
Rituals and Procedures for Dhanteras Puja
On Dhanteras, devotees follow a specific set of rituals dedicated to Lord Dhanvantari, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Kuber to invoke their blessings. Here’s how to perform the Dhanteras Puja for maximum benefits:
- Arrange the images or idols of Lord Dhanvantari, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Kuber in the designated puja space. Decorate the area with fresh flowers, and use kumkum, sandalwood paste, and rice to create a welcoming altar.
- Begin by lighting a ghee lamp (diya) as an offering of light and purity. Position this diya on the right side of the idols, facing the worshippers, symbolising auspicious beginnings.
- Present fresh flowers, fruits, and sweets to the deities as offerings. Each item signifies abundance and gratitude.
- Recite prayers and mantras specific to Lord Dhanvantari, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Kuber. The chanting is believed to invite prosperity and well-being into the home.
- Offer favourite foods as bhog to the deities and distribute it as prasad among family members, symbolising shared blessings.
Yama Deepam: A Ritual for Protection on Dhanteras
In addition to the Dhanteras Puja, a significant ritual called Yama Deepam is performed. This ritual is dedicated to Lord Yama, the god of death, to protect family members from untimely death and misfortune.
Yama Deepam Procedure:
- Select a traditional earthen lamp and fill it with mustard oil. Insert four wicks pointing in different directions, representing the four cardinal points.
- Light the Yama Deepam during Pradosh Kaal, ideally outside the main entrance and facing south. The south direction is associated with Lord Yama.
- Chant mantras dedicated to Lord Yama as you light the diya. This ritual is believed to provide divine protection and remove negative energies from the home.
Lighting Yama Deepam holds the significance of warding off negative influences and inviting peace into the household.
Auspicious Purchases for Dhanteras 2024
Buying items on Dhanteras is believed to welcome prosperity and good fortune. According to Hindu customs, items such as gold and silver jewellery, brass and copper utensils, and Lakshmi-Ganesh idols are considered ideal purchases on this day. Each item has a unique symbolism:
Gold and Silver: Symbolise wealth and stability.
Copper, Brass, and Steel Utensils: Attract abundance and well-being.
Lakshmi-Ganesh Idols: Represent spiritual and material prosperity.
Dhania (Coriander Seeds): Signify a prosperous harvest, often kept as a symbol of growth.
Additionally, it is customary to bring home Lakshmi Padukas (impressions of Lakshmi’s feet) and place them at the entrance, symbolising an invitation for the goddess to enter and bless the household.
Significance of Dhanteras in Hindu Culture
Dhanteras, known as Dhantrayodashi, marks the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the month of Kartik. Traditionally, it is considered highly auspicious for welcoming wealth, health, and prosperity into one’s life. According to Hindu beliefs, it was on this day that Lord Dhanvantari, the divine physician, emerged from the ocean with the nectar of immortality. Devotees honour him, seeking blessings for good health and longevity.
In addition to being a time of prosperity and well-being, Dhanteras is also associated with Lakshmi Puja to invite wealth and abundance. The festival is seen as an opportunity to cultivate positive energy, connect with family, and prepare for Diwali. It is believed that buying precious metals and household items on this day brings prosperity that will continue to flourish throughout the year.