New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was granted bail by Supreme Court on Friday in a case related to Delhi liquor policy. The decision was made by Justices Suryakant and Bhuinya. Both judges agreed that Kejriwal should be released on bail, but they had different views on the circumstances of his arrest.
Justice Suryakant supported the reasons for Kejriwal’s arrest, while Justice Bhuinya raised concerns about the timing of the arrest. The Supreme Court granted him bail on a bond of Rs 10 lakh. This decision pertains specifically to the CBI case.
Conditions of bail
In addition to the bail bond, several conditions have been imposed on Kejriwal.
- Prohibition from visiting the Delhi Chief Minister’s office.
- Can’t sign any official documents.
- Prohibition from making any public statements regarding the case.
Arvind Kejriwal likely to be released from jail today
Kejriwal had already received bail from the Supreme Court in the ED case, while this current case pertains to his arrest by the CBI and his regular bail. He was granted bail by the Supreme Court on July 12 in the ED case. Now, the Supreme Court has also granted him bail in the CBI case.
As a result, Kejriwal will likely be released from the jail. Arvind Kejriwal’s lawyer, Rishikesh, said that he will be out of jail by 5 pm on September 13.
What was the case?
Earlier, on July 12, the Supreme Court had already granted bail to Kejriwal in a case related to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The recent bail pertains to the CBI case, which involves allegations of corruption linked to the Delhi government’s Excise Policy 2021-22.
This policy, which was later repealed, is at the centre of the investigation. Both the CBI and ED have accused Kejriwal of benefiting certain licensees through changes in the policy, leading to claims of financial irregularities.
Aam Aadmi Party convenor Kejriwal was first summoned for questioning in this case in October 2023, then several summons were sent. He was arrested by the ED on March 21, 2024.