New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has received donations totaling Rs 11,02,606 in just four hours under her crowdfunding campaign. The contributions came from 190 people after Atishi made an appeal at 10 am. for public support to raise Rs 40 lakh for her assembly election campaign in Kalkaji.
In her appeal, Atishi emphasized the importance of public funding in ensuring honest governance. “I need Rs 40 lakh to contest the elections. Support my crowdfunding campaign. We will not take donations from industrialists. Instead, we will rely on the contributions of the people,” she said.
We don’t take donations from businessmen, says Atishi
To facilitate donations, Atishi launched a dedicated link,, where supporters could contribute. Highlighting the significance of public funding, she said, “If a leader contests elections using public donations, the government that forms will work for the people. But if a leader depends on industrialists for funding, the government will prioritize their interests.”
At a press conference, Atishi recalled how Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has always relied on public contributions. “In 2013, when we contested our first election, we went door to door, and people gave small donations. After street meetings, we would spread a sheet, and people contributed Rs 10, Rs 50, or Rs 100. This is how the AAP’s politics of honesty began,” she said.
Atishi criticized political parties that accept donations from big businessmen, alleging that such practices lead to governments that serve corporate interests. “The AAP government works for the people because it is funded by them. If we had taken money from big schools, hospitals, or pharmaceutical companies, we would not have been able to reform them. Today, we have inaugurated roads and schools worth hundreds of crores because we stayed honest,” she added.
What Atishi said about BJP
Atishi accused the BJP of relying on power and money to fund its campaigns, saying, “The BJP collects power from money and money from power. They don’t need to ask for public donations because they’ve already raised enough through their friends.”
She also took a dig at the BJP over its delayed candidate list, claiming it indicated a lack of willing candidates. “It seems BJP leaders are hesitant to contest the elections,” she said.