New Delhi: A city court recently directed the Delhi Police to register a First Information Report (FIR) against journalist Rana Ayyub on a complaint alleging her of posting derogatory posts on social media against Hindu deities and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and investigate the matter properly.
As per the complainant, posts by Ayyub on social media include insults to Hindu Deities, the spreading of anti-India sentiment, and the incitement of religious disharmony.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Himanshu Raman Singh, while directing police to register an FIR, said that the facts pleaded by complainant are such which necessitate intervention of state machinery in the form of police investigation and the complainant would not be in a position to collect evidence.
What did the court say?
“From the facts of the case as alleged in the complaint, prima facie cognizable offences are made out punishable under section 153A (punishment for promoting enmity between different groups on the ground of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc.), 295A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs) and 505 (statements conducing public mischief) IPC,” the court said.
Court directed SHO, cyber police station to investigate matter properly
The court further directed the station house officer (SHO) of the cyber police station in South Delhi to convert the contents of complaint as FIR and investigate the matter properly.
“The complaint discloses commission of cognizable offences for which an FIR is warranted. Present application under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C is allowed. SI-IO Cybcr Police Station, South is directed convert the contents of complaint as FIR and investigate the matter fairly,” the court said.
What has the complainant alleged?
Advocate Amita Sachdeva, the complainant, who sought the directions of the court to register an FIR against Ayyub, alleged that Ayyub has consistently used her platform to insult revered Hindu Deities, malign the fabric of Indian unity, and promote hostility toward India and its citizens including Indian Army and her deliberate and provocative posts are not only offensive and without justification but arc a blatant abuse of her influence to incite hatred, communal disharmony, and distress among the Hindu community.