New Delhi: The New Delhi Assembly constituency election is embroiled in controversy following an allegation of a violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Parvesh Verma. The police have lodged an FIR against the BJP leader for violation of the MCC. The returning officer for the constituency has directed the police to investigate a complaint alleging Verma distributed shoes to voters at a Valmiki temple, an act potentially constituting a corrupt practice under electoral law.
The investigation was triggered by a complaint filed by advocate Rajnish Bhaskar via WhatsApp. Bhaskar’s complaint included videos purportedly showing Verma distributing shoes to women at the temple near Mandir Marg Police Station. The complaint alleges this action violated Section 123(1)(A) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, which prohibits candidates from offering gifts or gratifications to voters.
In response to the allegations, Verma issued a statement claiming he did not distribute shoes but rather placed footwear on the feet of sanitation workers as a gesture of respect for their services. An aide further clarified that only a few shoes were offered as a mark of respect and no distribution took place.
“No shoes were distributed. Only a few shoes were offered as a mark of respect towards the sanitation workers,” claimed an aide of the BJP leader.
This incident comes amidst broader accusations leveled by AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and other party members against Verma. They have accused Verma of attempting to influence voters through unfair means.