Chennai: With Deepavali just around the corner, cybercrime police have sounded an alert about a surge in online scams related to firecracker sales. Fraudsters are using fake websites and social media platforms to dupe people with attractive advertisements and discount offers, extorting money from unsuspecting shoppers.
According to the Cybercrime Division of Tamil Nadu, 17 complaints have been registered on the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal in September and October alone, regarding online firecracker sale scams. Scammers create fake advertisements that look profitable and attractive, especially selling crackers at discounted prices, and communicate with potential victims through WhatsApp or mobile phone calls.
Online firecracker scams, how the Scam Works
Websites such as and (link unavailable) may appear genuine but are designed to steal money. These sites display authentic-looking product listings, prices, and payment options, but there is no guarantee that ordered goods will be delivered. Once payment is made, fraudsters abscond with the money and delete their website information, leaving victims with significant financial losses.
To avoid falling prey to these scams, cybercrime police advise shoppers to verify the credibility of online sellers, check for proper addresses and contact information, and be wary of unusually low prices and “limited time offers.” Shoppers should also ensure a secure connection during checkout, use credit cards instead of debit cards, and monitor bank statements for unusual transactions.
What to Do If You’re a Victim
Victims of such scams can report incidents to the Cybercrime toll-free number 1930 or register a complaint online at As Diwali shopping reaches its peak, shoppers are urged to remain vigilant and cautious when making online purchases.