New Delhi: In a tragic development reported from Nagpur district of Maharashtra, a couple, who celebrated their 26th marriage anniversary and partied till late night with friends and relatives, died by suicide. The couple also left suicide notes and messages to their relatives before taking the drastic step early Tuesday morning.
The couple was dressed as bride and groom and were found dead at their home in Martin Nagar area. The deceased couple have been identified as Jeril Damson Oscar (57) and his wife Anne (46). Cops found Oscar’s body hanging in the kitchen and Anne was found on the bed in her bridal attire.
Wrapped in bridal attire
The woman’s body was found wrapped in white bridal dress with flowers strewn around her. Police believe Anne’s husband allowed her to take her life first. Jeril later took her body down and lay her on bed. He then hanged self in the kitchen, according to a report in Times of India.
The incident caused panic and sadness in the area following the couple’s alleged suicide pact. Before the drastic act, the couple also wrote a farewell message and uploaded suicide notes on their social media account. The couple was childless. An informal will on a stamp paper was also uploaded on the internet.
No motive ascertained for suicide
However, police are yet to find the motive behind the drastic step by the couple. In a small video clip, Anne urged her family to look after the children of their kin.
The couple in their suicide note held no one responsible for the extreme step. They requested the family to distribute their property in the family. In the suicide note, the couple had a wish that they should be buried hand in hand in a same coffin. They were buried by their loved ones at Jaripatka Catholic cemetery.