New Delhi: Congress is set to move its national headquarters from 24, Akbar Road to a new address at 9A, Kotla Road in New Delhi. The inauguration of this new, five-storied office will take place on Wednesday, with Congress Parliamentary Party chief Sonia Gandhi, party president Mallikarjun Kharge, leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi, and MP Priyanka Gandhi among those attending the event.
The new headquarters is named after Indira Gandhi, India’s first female Prime Minister, symbolizing Congress’ continued commitment to uphold the vision of its influential leaders. Congress has been based at 24, Akbar Road for the past 47 years, located in the heart of Lutyens Bungalow Zone (LBZ) in Delhi. However, following the Supreme Court’s order in 2005-06 to relocate political party offices out of LBZ, Congress has moved to a new location closer to ITO junction, near Connaught Place.
Design of Indira Gandhi Bhawan
Indira Gandhi Bhawan, designed to be modern and functional, consists of five floors. The fifth floor will house the offices of key party leaders, including Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi. The fourth floor will be dedicated to the general secretaries, while state in-charges will be situated on the third floor. The second floor will accommodate all-India secretaries and their staff.
This new address is also strategically located close to Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) national headquarters, which lies on Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg. However, Congress has decided to have the main entrance of its office on Kotla Road rather than DDU Marg, which is named after the ideologue of the Jana Sangh, which later became the BJP.
Foundation stone of new building laid in 2009
The foundation stone for the new building was laid in December 2009 by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, the then Congress President. However, it took the party 15 years to complete the construction.
The inauguration is expected to bring together around 400 top leaders from across the country, including Congress Working Committee (CWC) members, Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Presidents, Congress Legislative Party (CLP) Leaders, Members of Parliament (MPs) and AICC secretaries and joint secretaries.
Posters referring Congress headquarters to ‘Sardar Manmohan Singh Bhawan’ spotted
Posters referring to Congress’ new headquarters as ‘Sardar Manmohan Singh Bhawan’ were spotted at the site of its inauguration, though the official name of the building is ‘Indira Gandhi Bhawan.’ However, there is no official confirmation yet regarding who placed the posters.
#WATCH | Delhi | Congress’ new headquarters ‘Indira Bhawan’ will be inaugurated today.
Posters referring to the party’s new headquarters as ‘Sardar Manmohan Singh Bhawan’ seen put up here
— ANI (@ANI) January 15, 2025