New Delhi: Congress MP Rakesh Rathore was taken into police custody on Thursday in connection with a rape case lodged against him. Rathore is the Lok Sabha MP from Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh. He turned himself in and was escorted to court amid heavy police security.
A case against Rathore was registered in Sitapur based on the complaint of a woman. The woman had alleged that Rathore raped her on January 15.
In her complaint, the woman alleged that Rathore raped her multiple times over the last four years, while promising to marry her and help her build her political career. She also provided details of calls and call recordings to the cops.
The Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court had turned down his anticipatory bail petition on Wednesday. Before that, the MP-MLA court in Sitapur had rejected his anticipatory bail plea on January 23.
Last week, the woman’s husband also filed a separate complaint against five individuals, accusing Rathore and his son of pressuring the family to settle the case.