Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath slammed the Congress on Tuesday for including the words ‘secular and ‘socialist’ in the country’s ‘Preamble and ‘tempering with’ it. Adityanath’s statement came a day after the Supreme Court rejected petitions challenging the inclusion of two words in the Preamble through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1976.
Rejecting the plea, the court said that the two terms had already been accepted in a widespread manner. The chief minister pointed out that there were ‘secular’ or’ socialist ’ when the constitution first came into being on November 26, 1949. Pointing out that Congress used the two terms during an emergency, he said, “The people have given a fitting lesson to those who betrayed the Constitution.” He also led the reading of the Preamble at an event.
‘Indian Constitution most robust’
Calling the Indian constitution the most robust, Yogi Adityanth credited Babasaheb Ambedkar for laying the foundation of a united India through the Constitution. He observed that the day reminds citizens of India’s greatness democracy and the Constitution. Adityanath also spoke on how under his leadership, the drafting committee included core values like equality, justice, and fraternity, ande ensured a strong future.
Debates played a key role in shaping the Constitution: Yogi Adityanath
In his address, the chief minister also referred to the formation of the Constituent Assembly in 1946, its first meeting, the election of Rajendra Prasad as India’s first president, and the drafting committee of the constitution under Ambedkar’s chairmanship. He observed that debates played a key role in shaping the Constitution. Adityanath further called upon the legislature, executive, and judiciary to draw inspiration and guidance from these debates which reflect the spirit of the Constitution.