New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday (December 11) sought the response of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on a plea seeking cancellation of interim bail granted the CEO and coordinator of Rau’s IAS Study Circle, where three civil services aspirants drowned in the basement of the building in July this year.
The plea before the High Court seeking setting aside of interim bail to the duo and sending them to the CBI custody has been filed by J Dalvin Suresh, father of Nevin Delvin, one of the three victims who drowned in the basement of the coaching centre.
High Court sought response of CBI, coaching centre CEO and coordinator
Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma issued notice to the CBI and coaching centre’s CEO Abhishek Gupta and coordinator Deshpal Singh and sought their responses.
Trial court granted duo interim bail on September 23
The trial court granted interim bail to the CEO and coordinator of the coaching institute on September 23 after over 54 days in custody. The trial court, while granting bail to them, observed that the owners of the building were already on interim bail. Their relief to the duo was recently extended till January 31, 2025.
The matter would be heard next in January next year.
Trial court took cognisance of CBI chargesheet on December 4
A city court on December 4 took cognisance of a chargesheet filed by the CBI against six accused persons in the matter, saying that there was sufficient evidence to proceed against the accused persons in the case and summoned them, including Rau’s IAS Study Circle then CEO Abhishek Gupta and coordinator, Deshpal Singh, on December 20.
Three civil services aspirants lost their lives on July 27
Three civil services aspirants – Shreya Yadav, Tanya Soni and Nevin Dalwin – lost their lives after they drowned in the basement of the Rau’s IAS Study Circle coaching centre on after the basement of the coaching was flooded following rain in the evening of July 27.
The High Court transferred the investigation into the matter from the Delhi Police to the CBI on August 2.