Dehradun: Chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, who met union sports minister Mansukh Mandaviya in New Delhi on Tuesday, shared information regarding the preparations for the National Games 2025, which Uttarakhand hosts, with him. CM Dhami expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and union sports minister Mandaviya for giving the opportunity to Uttarakhand for hosting the 38th edition of the National Games.
He said that more than 10 thousand players from the country’s different states will participate in this grand festival of National Games, beginning from 28 January. The National Games 2025 will be concluded on 14 February.
Preparation for National Games 2025 is almost in its final stage
CM Dhami told the union sports minister that preparations for holding the National Games are almost in its final stage. He also said that sports culture will be developed in the hill state because of the National Games being organized in Uttarakhand. Sports infrastructure facilities are being developed in the state in such a way that the players of the state can get international level facilities.
CM Dhami sought necessary funds for the high-altitude centres
CM Dhami requested the union sports minister Mandaviya to approve the necessary funds for the construction of the high altitude centre, meant to provide high-level sports facilities, in Dinapani of Almora district, besides the establishment of one multipurpose sports hall at block-level to provide high-level training to the players.
CM sought the centre’s approval for different projects
He also drew the attention of the union sports minister Mandaviya towards a proposal sent by the state government for the operation of the ice-skating-rink located in the Maharana Pratap Sports College campus in Dehradun. CM Dhami also made a request to the union sports minister Mandaviya for the approval of funds for the upgradation of the adventure training centre run by the state government in Shivpuri in New Tehri district. CM Dhami sought financial assistance for the centre for the construction of an indoor artificial rock-climbing wall on the land of the Women’s Sports College in Champawat district.
Requesting the union sports minister Mandaviya for giving approval to the proposals, he said it will be helpful for the state government to provide high-level sports facilities to the players of the state.
Union sports minister assured all support from the centre
The union Sports minister said that every possible support will be extended by the centre for the development of sports infrastructural facilities in Uttarakhand.