New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday claimed that the BJP-led Centre evicted her from her official residence last evening. She added that this might never have happened in the history of India’s democracy when an elected Chief Minister of an elected government was removed from official residence.
Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, the chief minister claimed that she received a letter last evening from the officials of the Public Work Department (PWD) asking her to vacate the house, as the allotment of the official residence stood canceled.
Centre cancels allotment of my official residence: CM Atishi
“You might remember that a few months ago my belongings were thrown out from my official residence just after I took oath as CM. Yesterday evening too a similar thing happened as I received a letter from the officials saying the the allotment of my official residence stood cancelled. This might have never happened in this country that an official residence of an elected chief minister of an elected government was snatched,” the CM said while speaking to media persons.
‘Will work with same zeal’
She added, “ BJP will be wrong if they think that our work for the people of Delhi will be hampered if I and my family members are abused and removed from my official residence. They must know that we can be removed from our official residence, but they cannot remove us from the people’s hearts. The people of Delhi have large hearts. I can shift to any residence and continue to work for the people with the same zeal.”
Earlier in the day, the Election Commission announced dates for Delhi Assembly polls. While elections will be held on February 5, results will be announced on February 8.