New Delhi: With the Budget session of the Parliament all set to begin today, the Opposition and the BJP-led government is all set for the face-off in coming days in both Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. President Droupadi Murmu will address the joint session of the Parliament. While the first part of the session will continue till February 13, the second part of the will start from March 1 and will go on till April 4.
The Opposition is looking to attack the government on a number of issues including ‘economic slowdown’, Maha Kumbh stampede and farmers issues . It will also be the first time that the Modi Government will hold a full budget after being reduced to 240 seats in the Lok Sabha as cpmpared to full majorities in BJP’s previous two terms.
Last session of Parliament ended on bitter note
The Last session ended on a bitter note with two BJP MPs admitted in a hospital following s scuffle at the Parliament premises. The Congress is also expected to reach out to other Opposition parties for joint meetings.
Opposition accused Centre of flouting Parliamentary norms
Earlier on Thursday, several Opposition leaders accused the Centre of flouting Parliamentary norms by coming out with a provisional calendar on days that have been fixed for debates on the Motion of Thanks for the President’s speech. They pointed out that its the Business Advisory Committee, which makes such decisions.
During the all-party meeting, the Opposition leaders also accused the Centre accused the BJP-led centre of controlling proceedings of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf Amendment Bill, the report of which was submitted to Speaker Om Birla.
The government is also expected to introduce a number of bills during the session, which include a bill to streamline a number of services related to immigration and foreigners, news agency PTI reported. Union Home Minister Amit Shah is expected to introduce the Immigration and Foreigners Bill, 2025.