New Delhi: In a major development, the Border Security Force (BSF) has come across a large-scale smuggling racket that involved underground bunkers in the Nadia district of West Bengal. These bunkers were reportedly used for storing contraband items. In locating the bunkers, the BSF personnel also seized a massive consignment of 62,200 bottles of Phensedyl cough syrup, which have been valued at around Rs 1.4 crore.
Following this, security has been tightened in the areas of the Indo-Bangladesh border. During their search operation, the BSF found three underground bunkers near the Tungi border outpost area of Krishnanagar Importantly, Those behind building these bunkers also built a room above it.
Bunkers found on the India-Bangladesh border
Notably, while such bunkers were earlier seen on the Pakistan border, no trace of such bunkers has ever been found on the Bangladesh border ever before. Sources believe that these bunkers were built in the last 15 to 20 days. While the BSF has started the probe into the matter, they believe that bunkers were built to cross the border.
“A major operation was carried out by 32 Battalion of Border Security Force (BSF) South Bengal Frontier in Naghata area of Majhdia town under Kishanganj police station, Nadia district on India-Bangladesh international border of West Bengal striking a blow to drug smuggling. In this operation, a huge consignment of 62,200 bottles of Phensedyl was recovered from 3 underground storage tanks. The estimated value of which is Rs 1,40,58,444/,” a statement by the BSF read.
‘Infiltrators might have taken advantage of fog’
Speaking to TV9 Network, sources said that Bangladeshi infiltrators and smugglers built the bunkers. They seemed to have taken advantage of the fog. They also built a room over them to hide these bunkers, in which equipment related to farming was kept.
The BSF found 50 thousand illegal narcotic Phensidyl syrups in these bunkers during their search operations. As per sources within the BSF intelligence wing, the Phensidyl was kept inside the bunker, mainly used to hide infiltrators or smugglers. The sources observed that the discovery of bunkers on the India-Bangladesh border was a matter of great concern from the security point of view.