New Delhi: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday alleged that the Border Security Force (BSF) was helping infiltrators to enter India to destabilise the state. At a public event, Banerjee accused the BSF of permitting entry through various border areas under its control, including Islampur, Sitai, and Chopra. Banerjee pointed out that illegal intruders were being pushed into the state, while the Trinamool Congress was being blamed for it.
She said the border is in the hands of the BSF. “If anyone thinks that they are intruding into Bengal and maligning the Trinamool, let them be warned that the Trinamool Congress does not do these things. Don’t abuse Trinamool by supporting the wrongdoings of BSF,” Banerjee said.
She also questioned the motives behind this, suggesting these actions were part of a “blueprint” orchestrated by the central government. “They are sending goons and murderers across the border. This is an inside job by the BSF, supported by a blueprint from the central government. Without such a plan, these activities would not be possible,” the chief minister alleged. She directed BSF DG Rajeev Kumar to probe where the paramilitary force is allegedly aiding infiltrators.
BJP reacts to accusation
Reacting sharply to the comments, BJP leader Anirban Ganguly said that Mamata Banerjee was the only leader who has flayed and abused the BSF. “The problem with Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee is that the BSF has come down hard on the nefarious network involved with drugs and human and cattle trafficking, some of the kingpins of this network. We would advise them to cooperate with the BSF looking at the current situation in Bangladesh.”
Abhishek Banerjee hits out at Centre
Meanwhile, TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee stated on Thursday that the Centre’s response to the situation in Bangladesh through diplomatic channels was not adequate enough and urged state BJP leaders to press the central leadership to speak out more vehemently against the atrocities committed against minorities in the neighbouring country.