New Delhi: Prashant Kishor, founder of Jan Suraaj, was arrested on Monday morning during a protest in connection with BPSC and was sent to jail after he refused to sign the conditions of his bail agreement. The court had given him bail on the condition that he would not participate in any future protests and submit a bond of Rs 25,000. However, Kishor refused to sign the bond, as per his lawyer.
Kishor’s lawyer Shivanand Giri was quoted as saying by news agency PTI: “I produced the bail petition and after argument, he was granted bail with the condition that he will not indulge in such offences (any strikes or protests) in the future and a PR bond of Rs 25,000… He (Jan Suraaj founder Prashant Kishor) did not agree to the condition. So, the court said, it did not have the power to review the order and if he doesn’t agree to the condition, he can approach higher courts.”
During his detention, the police put Kishor in an ambulance. Prior to his arrest, he had expressed his intention to file a petition in the high court on January 7, addressing the alleged anomalies in the BPSC exams. On January 2, Kishor had begun fast-unto-death to express his solidarity with students, who were calling for cancellation of the BPSC examinations. After his arrest, clashes erupted between the Patna Police and Kishor’s supporters.