New Delhi: In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actress and fitness influencer Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s popular Mumbai restaurant Bastian witnessed an unforeseen mishap. Reportedly, a BMW Z4 was stolen from the popular eatery located on the 48th floor of Kohinoor Square in Mumbai’s Dadar West area. The car, priced at a whopping Rs 80 lakh was a swanky two-seater convertible owned by a businessman named Ruhan Firoz Khan. The BMW was parked in the building’s parking lot when Ruhan was dining at Shilpa’s lavish restaurant.
BMW stolen from Shilpa Shetty’s Bastian
Ruhan, 34, a resident of Mumbai’s Bandra area, arrived at Bastian with his two friends around 1 AM. He had handed over the keys to the restaurant’s valet. However, when he went back to retrieve his car, he found that it had vanished from the parking spot. The CCTV footage showed that the BMW was stolen by unknown individuals around 2 AM, prompting an immediate investigation.
The Shivaji Park police booked the suspects under section 303(2) (punishment for theft) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) 2023 after Ruhan filed a complaint. His advocate, Ali Kaashif Khan Deshmukh stated that the police are scanning CCTV footage to identify the thieves.
More about Shilpa Shetty’s Bastian
For those who do not know, Shilpa Shetty Kundra is the owner of Bastian – At the Top, a luxury restaurant situated on the 48th floor of Kohinoor Square in Mumbai’s Dadar West. The eatery is popular for its lavish dining experience and cityscape and is a popular spot among Bollywood’s A-listers as well as the high-end circles.
Speaking about Shilpa, the actress is making waves as a successful entrepreneur and wellness icon. She debuted with Shah Rukh Khan’s 1993 film Baazigar, directed by director duo Abbas Mustan. Additionally, she has starred in films like Dus, Rishtey, Dhadkan, Sukhee and Hungama 2.
On the personal front, she married businessman Raj Kundra back in 2009. The couple have two children, Viaan and Samisha.