New Delhi: A blaze, which erupted after two gas cylinders reportedly exploded inside a tent at the Maha Kumbh venue in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj, has now been contained. Earlier, the fire spread to 18 tents, reducing them to ashes, in Sector 19 of the Maha Kumbh arena. There were no reports of injuries in the incident, the police said. Fire trucks, stationed at the venue as part of the safety measures for the Maha Kumbh, quickly rushed to the affected area and doused the fire, officials said. People living in nearby tents were evacuated to safety.
According to PTI, Akhara police station in-charge Bhaskar Mishra said, “Two cylinders exploded in Sector 19 of the Maha Kumbh Mela, causing a massive fire in the camps. Firefighters extinguished the blaze.”
The official X handle of the Maha Kumbh said, “Very sad. The fire incident at Maha Kumbh has shocked everyone. The administration is ensuring immediate relief and rescue operations. We pray to Maa Ganga for everyone’s safety.”
PM Modi dials Yogi Adityanath, UP CM visits site
Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over phone, seeking information about the fire incident. Yogi Adityanath took stock of the incident. He visited the site of the blaze and spoke to officials and firefighting teams on the spot. Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Mahakumbh Mela Vaibhav Krishan was quoted as saying by ANI that the fire broke out at the tents of Gita Press and no casualties were reported.
‘No reports of casualties’
“The fire broke out in the tents of Gita Press. There are no reports of any casualties. A survey is being conducted to ascertain the extent of damage caused by the fire. The fire has been brought under control. Only tents and some things have been burnt,” Krishan said. District Magistrate of Prayagraj (DIG) Ravindra Kumar said that the fire had broke out at 4:30 pm on Sunday. “The fire spread to the nearby 10 tents. The police and administration reached the spot. The fire has been extinguished. There is no information of any casualties and the situation is under control…” the DIG reportedly said.
ADG Bhanu Bhaskar asserted that the fire department had managed to bring the situation under control. “No casualty has been reported…The situation is normal here,” he pointed out.
Ensure such an accident doesn’t happen in future: Akhilesh
SP chief Akhilesh Yadav also shared a video of the fire in Mahakumbh and wrote: “The fire in Mahakumbh fair should be taken cognisance of immediately and it should be ensured that such an accident does not happen in future.”