Dehradun: On Wednesday, Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami unveiled the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) manifesto for the upcoming municipal elections at the State BJP office in Dehradun. During the event, CM Dhami elaborated on the party’s developmental vision and the objectives set for the next five years.
In his address, Chief Minister Dhami emphasized that the manifesto, or “Sankalp Patra,” symbolizes the strong commitment of the “triple engine” government towards urban development. He described it as a solid and reliable guarantee of the BJP’s dedication to the state’s progress over the next five years. “This Sankalp Patra is a proof of our leadership and our loyalty,” he stated, highlighting that it reflects every step taken towards the overall development and prosperity of the people.
Manifesto would prove to be milestones in improving the standard of living
CM Dhami expressed confidence that the important and far-reaching topics included in the manifesto would prove to be milestones in improving the standard of living for every citizen of the state and the country. He credited the able and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for guiding these efforts.
Party’s priority is to turn announcements into reality
The Chief Minister outlined the BJP’s aim to make every section of society, whether urban or rural, economically capable and to provide them with the highest quality of life. He asserted that the manifesto not only presents a blueprint of development plans but also demonstrates the BJP’s working style and transparency. He stressed that the party’s priority is not just to make announcements but to turn those announcements into reality.
Commitment to deliver tangible results
In the upcoming municipal elections, CM Dhami assured that the BJP would ensure the overall development of cities and provide better facilities to the citizens. He reiterated the party’s commitment to urban development and its focus on delivering tangible results. The release of the manifesto marks a significant step in the BJP’s campaign for the municipal elections. The party’s focus on development, transparency, and effective governance is expected to resonate with voters as they head to the polls. The manifesto’s emphasis on improving the standard of living and providing better facilities underscores the BJP’s commitment to the welfare of the people.
Cabinet ministers were also present during the event
The event was attended by several prominent figures, including Cabinet Ministers Satpal Maharaj, Premchand Aggarwal, Subodh Uniyal, and Ganesh Joshi. MLAs such as Savita Kapoor, Brij Bhushan Gairola, Sahdev Pundir, Aditya Kothari, Kunwar Pranav Champion, Meera, and Kuldeep Kumar were also present.