New Delhi: On Saturday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched a scathing pre-election campaign against its rival, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The BJP released a song and poster to associate AAP with corruption and mismanagement in the national capital. The campaign, timed to maximize impact ahead of the crucial Delhi Assembly elections, uses the terms “Sheesh Mahal” (Palace of Mirrors) and “AAPda” (AAP-disaster) to paint AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal and his party in a negative light.
The centrepiece of the BJP’s attack is a song titled “Sheesh Mahal Aapda Failane Walon Ka Adda” (Sheesh Mahal, the Den of Disaster Makers). A reworking of Honey Singh’s popular song “Lungi Dance,” the song aims to create a catchy critique of AAP’s governance.
दिल्ली के महाठग के लूट की निशानी शीशमहल!
— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) January 11, 2025
This musical assault was unveiled alongside a poster titled “AAPda-e-Azam” featuring a provocative image of Arvind Kejriwal’s face superimposed onto the body of a Mughal ruler, a visual metaphor designed to fuel accusations of luxury and detachment.
The BJP’s use of “Sheesh Mahal” targets Kejriwal’s former residence, the 6, Flagstaff Road bungalow, which the BJP claims represents exorbitant and corrupt spending. AAP has consistently countered this accusation, which points to the expenditures on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence and travel.
The campaign was released during a press conference by Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva and subsequently shared on the party’s X (formerly Twitter) handle. Sachdeva emphasised that the song highlights Kejriwal’s alleged corruption and the “Sheesh Mahal,” supposedly built with taxpayers’ money, aiming to resonate with Delhi voters’ concerns.
दिल्ली की जनता ने ठाना है,
शीशमहल वाले AAP-दा-ए-आजम को भगाना है— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) January 11, 2025
“The person who came to power for a change and to take care of Delhi modified his own character and behaviour. Delhi people are looking for development while Kejriwal is abusing them for asking questions,” news agency PTI quoted Sachdeva as saying.
The timing of this release is strategic. The Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, 2025, with vote counting on February 8th. This three-way contest between BJP, Congress, and AAP, features BJP and Congress aiming to prevent AAP from securing a third consecutive term.