New Delhi: The ongoing debate in the Lok Sabha over the Constitution took a heated turn on Saturday when Congress leader and leader of the opposition in the House Rahul Gandhi used the occasion to launch a scathing attack on the BJP-led NDA government, citing controversial remarks by Hindutva ideologue Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. In response, BJP and NDA members, including Shiv Sena MP Shrikant Shinde, hit back by quoting a 1980 letter from former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, in which she praised Savarkar.
During his speech in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi referred to Savarkar’s remark that “there is nothing Indian about our Constitution”, criticising the BJP for allegedly mocking and disrespecting the Constitution. He also claimed that Savarkar had advocated for replacing the Constitution with the Manusmriti.
Rahul draws parallel between govt’ policies and Savarkar’s ideology
“VD Savarkar explicitly wrote that there is nothing Indian about our Constitution. So, when you (BJP) claim to protect the Constitution, you are actually mocking, defaming, and disrespecting Savarkar,” Gandhi said, drawing a parallel between the government’s policies and Savarkar’s ideology.
In retaliation, Shiv Sena MP Shrikant Shinde targeted Rahul Gandhi, citing a letter from Indira Gandhi in which she allegedly referred to Savarkar as a “remarkable son of India”. Shinde claimed the letter, written in 1980, showed that the former Prime Minister had praised Savarkar, despite her party’s current opposition to his ideology. “Was your grandmother also against the Constitution?” Shinde asked. “We are proud to praise Savarkar and will continue to do so.”
Shrikant Shinde, son of Maharashtra deputy chief minister Eknath Shinde’s son stated, “You have the habit of speaking against him.” Rahul Gandhi swiftly responded to Shrikant Shinde’s remarks, saying, “I once spoke to Indira Gandhi Ji about this. She told me that Savarkar ji compromised with the British, wrote a letter, and asked for forgiveness from the British. She said that Gandhi Ji went to jail and Nehru Ji went to jail, but Savarkar sought forgiveness. This was her position.”
Rijiju share the 1980 letter from Indira Gandhi to Savarkar
Minutes later, Union minister for law and justice Kiren Rijiju posted the 1980 letter from Indira Gandhi to Savarkar on social media, calling it “a document for Rahul Gandhi Ji” in response to his remarks about Savarkar. “This document is for Rahul Gandhi Ji as he made an incorrect statement in Lok Sabha about Veer Savarkar,” Rijiju said.
In his speech, Rahul Gandhi also used the ancient Mahabharata story of Eklavya to criticise the Modi government’s policies, especially with regard to marginalised groups. He described how Eklavya, a Dalit youth, was denied education by Guru Dronacharya because of his caste. When Eklavya proved his abilities, Dronacharya demanded his thumb as a token, effectively crippling his future.
Rahul Gandhi compared this act to how the government, in his view, is “cutting off the thumbs” of backward classes, Dalits, and youth through its policies, depriving them of opportunities. This analogy was used to accuse the government of systematically undermining the rights of marginalized communities and undermining the Constitution’s ideals.