New Delhi: Prominent educator and YouTuber Faizal Khan, widely known as “Khan Sir,” was briefly detained in Patna’s Gardanibagh Police Station on Friday before being released later that evening. He was reportedly detained for his participation in a protest organised by Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) aspirants, who voiced strong concerns about the exam pattern for the upcoming BPSC 70th Combined Competitive Examination (CCE).
The student’s primary demand was to hold the exam in a single shift with a single paper, eliminating the need for a normalisation process. The normalisation process, which adjusts scores across multiple exam shifts based on difficulty levels, has historically been a point of contention among students.
Khan Sir, known for his educational videos and considerable influence among students, lent his support to the protest, emphasising the unfairness of the normalization process and its potential impact on students’ exam scores.
Addressing the media during the protest, Khan Sir stated his participation was apolitical, focusing entirely on the students’ demands. He urged the BPSC chairman to issue a public statement confirming the exam would be held in a single shift with a single paper, removing the normalisation process and adding that if students suffered from the server problems faced before, they should be given extensions.
Khan Sir’s presence at the protest drew significant attention, intensifying the pressure on BPSC. Special Executive Magistrate MS Khan, while urging the protesters to disperse, mentioned Khan Sir’s detention and subsequent release. Reports indicate that Khan Sir visited the police station willingly to underscore the protesters’ continued resolve.
“The protestors will have to leave the protesting site. I have just reached here. I am not aware. Khan Sir was detained and now he is leaving. Now, I don’t know where he is going or where he is being taken. Nobody is inside. They will have to leave the Dharna-sthal,” MS Khan said on Friday.
However, that evening, the Bihar Public Service Commission made a significant announcement—they would be holding the BPSC 70th CCE Prelims exam in a single shift on December 13th, thereby eliminating the controversial normalisation process.