New Delhi: In a tragic incident that has come to light from Bihar’s Siwan, a Class 10 student, Priya Kumar, died after she was pushed off a rooftop by a group of monkeys. Priya was absorbed in her studies on the rooftop when the simians attacked her. When the monkeys appeared on her rooftop, she got terrified, and was unable to escape. Some villagers nearby, who saw her, asked her to run towards the stairs for safety. According to ABP News, Priya reportedly tried to escape from the monkeys, but she couldn’t, as the animals pounced on her aggressively. One of the monkeys pushed her as others made intimidating noise.
Priya fell down off the roof and received critical injuries. She sustained severe head trauma and injuries to other parts of her body. The family of Priya rushed her to Siwan Sadar Hospital for treatment while she was unconscious, but doctors declared her dead upon arrival. The local police reportedly said that the victim’s family declined to have a post-mortem examination carried out.
Similar simian attacks in recent past
In 2024, a railway employee at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus and a child from a housing society in Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi area were injured in separate attacks by monkeys. The injured persons were immediately taken to hospital for treatment.
In July of last year, a 44-year-old woman lost her life after a monkey knocked a cement statue off a temple, causing it to fall directly on her head while she was selling vegetables near a temple in the Bagalkote district in Karnataka.
A police officer had said then that around the temple, monkeys often played but typically did not cause trouble for the devotees. However, the woman tragically died when a monkey dislodged a 50kg cement statue, which had been weakened by the rain.