Valmiki Karad, an accused in the murder of Beed Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh, has surrendered before CID in Pune’s Maharashtra on Tuesday. He had been absconding since the murder took place 22 days back. Deshmukh was murdered in the Kej taluka of Beed district. After the murder, political tensions were high in the area. The incident was widely condemned across political spectrum.
Valmiki Karad is alleged to be the mastermind behind Santosh Deshmukh’s murder. The deceased victim’s family and local residents claimed accused Valmiki is closely associated with Maharashtra Minister Dhananjay Munde.
Valmiki Karad’s video before surrender
Meanwhile, the CID said it will interrogate Valmiki Karad and will present him in court. Before Valmiki’s surrender, the police heightened security outside the CID headquarters in Pune.
Before his surrender, Valmiki Karad had issued video wherein he made some new claims. Valmiki Karad in the video said a false extortion complaint was made at Kage police station. He said he was surrendering before Pune police despite having pre-arrest bail powers.
Valmiki’s name has repeatedly cropped up in connection with Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh’s murder case. Valmiki Karad is accused of extortion and other serious charges. Valmiki was wanted by the CID in the extortion case prompting the agency to form 9-member team to nab him.
Accused had fled to Ujjain
The CID had been on the hunt for Valmiki across Maharashtra and Karnataka. Reports also suggested that he had traveled to Ujjain, where officials alerted the police and CID.
Finally, he voluntarily surrendered before Pune Police and the CID. With his surrender, further details are expected to emerge during the course of investigation.