New Delhi: A crackdown has been launched across various districts of Maharashtra after authorities unearthed Bangladeshi birth certificate scam in the state. The scam first surfaced in Malegaon, Amravati, and Beed and now fresh cases have been reported from Jalna, Parbhani, and Latur districts.
Maharashtra officials have discovered that fake birth certificates have been forged for Bangladeshi nationals using fake documents. The has prompted Maharashtra government to issue an alert to expose a practice.
DCs to launch probe
District Collectors of Jalna, Parbhani, and Latur have been ordered to conduct thorough investigations into the issue.
According to reports, an alarming level of numbers have come to light wherein thousands of fake certificates were forged. The reported figures include 3,421 fake certificates in Latur, 3,202 in Parbhani,2,594 in Bhokardan, 2,179 in Jalna.
Crackdown on illegal immigrants
The Maharashtra government has launched a major operation against illegal Bangladeshi immigrants and has apprehended over 500 people in the last one month alone. The state-wide crackdown is aimed at identifying and deporting illegal residents who have used fake documents to settle in the state.
Revenue officers suspended
Meanwhile, two Malegaon revenue officers already been suspended in connection with the scam. The state government has also constituted Special Investigation Teams (SITs) in two districts to probe the issue further. Maharashtra government has promised strict action against those involved in facilitating fake certificates.