New Delhi: The Karnataka high court on Monday declined to dismiss the FIR filed against Nikita Singhania in connection with the alleged suicide of techie Atul Subhash. Hearing Singhania’s plea to quash the investigation, the court said that prima facie evidence supports the ongoing probe and directed the investigators to expedite efforts in collecting evidence.
The single-judge bench raised concerns about the lack of progress in obtaining key documents, including Atul’s alleged death note and the reported suicide video, which are vital to the case. The court stressed the need for transparency and thoroughness in the investigation and directed the authorities to submit all evidence collected so far.
In addition, the Karnataka government has been instructed to file its objections to Singhania’s plea. The case has been adjourned for two weeks. Atul, a Bengaluru-based techie, allegedly ended his life under circumstances that have since sparked widespread attention and legal scrutiny. The FIR names Nikita Singhania and others, accusing them of abetment to suicide. Singhania had approached the high court seeking to quash the FIR, citing insufficient evidence and procedural lapses.
More details awaited