New Delhi: BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri from Kalkaji Assembly constituency sparked fresh controversy on Sunday with a personal comment against Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, saying she “changed her father.” During a public address in Delhi, Bidhuri said, “Atishi, formerly Marlena, is now Singh. She has even changed her father.”
He added, “This Marlena (Atishi) became Singh. She changed her name. Arvind Kejriwal swore on his children that he wouldn’t align with the corrupt Congress. Marlena changed her father, which shows the character of the Aam Aadmi Party.”
Bidhuri also said, “Atishi Marlena’s parents submitted a mercy plea against the death sentence of Afzal Guru, the terrorist responsible for killing many of our brave soldiers. I urge the people of Delhi to consider whether they support those who sought clemency for Guru.”
AAP hits back
In response to this personal attack, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal criticised BJP leaders on X, saying that they have surpassed all limits of shamelessness. “BJP leaders have crossed all limits of shamelessness. BJP leaders are abusing Delhi Chief Minister Atishi ji. The people of Delhi will not tolerate the insult of a woman Chief Minister. All the women of Delhi will take revenge for this, ” Kejriwal wrote.
AAP national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar slammed Bidhuri for his derogatory, saying it reflects his mindset towards women. Kakkar also accused the BJP of using abusive language against women. She said that Bidhuri will face defeat at the hands of the very woman chief minister.
Bidhuri’s comment on Priyanka Gandhi
Earlier in the day, Bidhuri sparked controversy by saying he will make roads as smooth as Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks. The comment drew widespread criticism, especially from Congress leaders like Alka Lamba. Initially defiant, Bidhuri compared his comment to those by RJD’s Lalu Prasad about Hema Malini. Later, he expressed regret on X, saying his comments were misconstrued for political purposes.